"Movement, Exchange, and Belonging in the Hispanic World"
Silvia Juliana Rocha Dallos and Pablo Zavala, coordinators
Washington University in St. Louis
Click here for the conference schedule
September 9 & 10, 2016
This interdisciplinary conference attempts to foster dialogue concerning ideas on movement, exchange, and belonging – in all its different manifestations – in the Hispanic world. Some of the topics that are related to this dialogue involve questions of diaspora and nomadism, gender, race, ethnicity, exile and migration, cultural mobility, globalization, violence, resistance, slavery, cosmopolitanism, memory, and coloniality and post-coloniality in the Hispanic world. Although the conference encourages papers related to these topics, other presentations will also be considered.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Víctor Goldgel-Carballo
[Víctor Goldgel-Carballo joined UW-Madison in 2010. His research and teaching focus on 19th-century Latin American literature, media history, visual culture, and racial categories. He is the author of Cuando lo nuevo conquistó América. Prensa, moda y literatura en el siglo XIX (Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2013), which reconstructs the emergence of the new as a modern criterion of value in Latin America. He has also published on the figure of the impostor in the Cuban novel, the Latin American origins of snobbery, and the aesthetic articulations of the art of “making do” in contemporary Argentina. He is also the co-founder of the Mellon workshop New Media and Mass/Popular Culture in the Global South, currently funded by a Mellon Foundation Area and International Studies Research Grant (2013-2016), and is currently at work on a book project entitled Passing as Open Secret: Race and Fictions of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Cuba.]