The Art of Health in Nice


This interdisciplinary course explores Nice and the South of France as inspirational locations for health, healing, and wellness. Recently designated a UNESCO world heritage site as the 'winter resort town of the Riviera,' Nice has long beckoned tourists, artists, writers, and health seekers with its cosmopolitan coastal location and vibrant landscapes. Through the lens of human well-being, we will examine various French and francophone art forms-including the visual, literary, culinary, horticultural, athletic, and therapeutic arts- and their enduring connection to the unique cultural and geographic context of the South of France. Academic excursions (included in program cost) to gardens, markets, museums, and villas will stimulate our senses and bring to life the places discussed in readings, illuminating the dynamic interplay between creativity and health in this captivating region. We will study works by the following artists, thinkers, and writers: Alain, Barthes, Brillat-Savarin, Cézanne, Chagall, Colette, Cousteau, Escoffier, Giono, Grimod de la Reynière, Malle, Matisse, Maupassant, Pagnol, Smollett, Van Gogh, Varda, and Vigo, alongside readings drawn from history,medicine, philosophy, and sociology. Prerequisite: French 321/322 In-Perspective or French 308. Taught only in Nice.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; AS LCD

Section 09

The Art of Health in Nice
INSTRUCTOR: Jouane, Haklin
View Course Listing - SU2024