Chilean Contemporary Culture


This two-week course will provide a panoramic view of Chilean contemporary culture, focusing on the years from 1988 to the present. We will examine the representation of current issues in literature, the arts, and the media, and study topics such as governmental institutions, the constitution of 1980, the economy, the role of the Catholic Church, public policy concerning culture, etc. The course will meet three hours a day, and there will be several guest lecturers. Requirements: two short papers, short reports in class of the news or a cultural activity students have attended, and participation in class discussions. Course includes an all-day cultural excursion on Saturday (it includes a visit to one of Neruda's houses, a history museum, etc.). THIS COURSE IS TAUGHT IN SANTIAGO, CHILE, AS PART OF THE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CHILE PROGRAM. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Eth; AS HUM; AS LCD; FA HUM; AR HUM