Contemporary Francophone Literature


In her 1992 essay, "Order, Disorder, Freedom and the West Indian Writer," Maryse Condé explains that "whenever women speak out, they displease, shock, or disturb." Whenever Caribbean women and non-binary authors dare to write or express their creativity, they upend or reorder the Caribbean literary landscape. Creativity means disorder; disorder means freedom; and freedom is the desire to make oneself heard even in the face of oblivion. This seminar will explore how women and non-binary writers with Haitian, Guadeloupian, and Martinican origins produce narratives that disturb literary, linguistic, and communal traditions to imagine a more equitable future. This course counts toward the seminar requirement for the major. Prereq: Thinking-It-Through or In-Depth.
Course Attributes: EN H; AS HUM; AS LCD; FA HUM

Section A

Contemporary Francophone Literature
View Course Listing - SP2024

Section 01

Contemporary Francophone Literature
View Course Listing - SP2024