Cultural Theory


The course focuses on the main topics, authors, works and debates that constitute the corpus of cultural theory in the Hispanic world, particularly in Latin America. After a brief introduction to the connections between Latin American cultural criticism and European critical theory, class discussions will concentrate on the most important interdisciplinary problems and categories that have organized the field since the second half of the XXth-century. The purpose of the course is, then, twofold: first, it attempts to familiarize students with the main critical and theoretical debates in the study of symbolic production. Secondly, it offers a critical approach to the contributions of the main intellectuals and academics working on the analysis of cultural topics. Some of the authors to be analyzed are, among others, Antonio Cornejo Polar, Angel Rama, Silviano Santiago, Roberto Schwarz, Martín Oppenheim, Beatriz Sarlo, Nelly Richard, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Néstor García Canclini, Renato Ortiz, George Yúdice, Hugo Achugar, BolIvar Echeverria, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Enrique Dussel, and Carlos Monsiváis.The interdisciplinary nature of this course will incorporate perspectives from history, communications, literary studies, social sciences, and philosophy. Graduate Standing. In Spanish.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Cultural Theory - 01
View Course Listing - FL2023