Debating Cultures: Broken Promises and Resilient Bregas: Snapshots of Puerto Rican Culture


The end of WWII and the advent of the Cold War brought heightened global attention to the Caribbean. While Cubans rid themselves of the Batista dictatorship, embraced socialism, and entered the USSR's realm of influence, Puerto Rico's importance for the U.S. as a showcase of capitalist modernization increased exponentially. Bad Bunny and reggaeton, Lin Manuel Miranda, and JLo wouldn't exist without the events and policies set in motion in Puerto Rico in the 1950s and 60s. This course will offer entry points into Puerto Rico's complex and often contradictory culture, with the goal that students develop a critical understanding of the leading social, political, and historical processes that have shaped the island's cultural production over the past 70 years. We will explore topics such as colonialism and neocolonialism, migration and diasporic communities, environmental and social justice, globalization and neoliberalism, and the intersection of race, class, gender, and identity formation. We will study works from island-born and Puerto Rican Diaspora cultural producers. Materials will include short stories and poems, films, podcasts, pop culture and sports icons, comics, performances, and historical essays. Prior or concurrent enrollment in Spanish 303 is required. Students who have taken more than two Spanish culture or literature classes are not allowed in this course and must proceed to a Researching Cultures class.
Course Attributes: BU Hum; BU BA; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; FA HUM; AR HUM; EN H

Section 01

Debating Cultures: Broken Promises and Resilient Bregas: Snapshots of Puerto Rican Culture
INSTRUCTOR: Fromm Ayoroa
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