"Reading Locality: Urban Spaces, Regions, Margins." South by Midwest International Conference

Keynote Speaker: Distinguished Visiting Scholar Professor Alejandro de la Fuente Harvard University


"Reading Locality: Urban Spaces, Regions, Margins"  constitutes an attempt to explore meanings of locality from interdisciplinary perspectives. Conversations will draw on economic, political, historical, and geo-cultural analysis to engage issues such as social inequality, political violence, and racial discrimination in Latin America. While many of the problems that characterize Latin American social fragmentation today originated during the times of colonial domination, processes of nation formation, modernization, and globalization have incorporated new forms of economic, political, and social victimization as well as new strategies of resistance and creative responses. The conference will focus on connections betweenlocality and globalization as well as on regional perspectives, local histories, cosmopolitanism, and migration.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  Distinguished Visiting Scholar ALEJANDRO DE LA FUENTE, Supported in part through funding from the Office of the Provost: Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program

[Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics; Professor of African and African American Studies; Director, Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. Author of: A Nation for All: Race, Inequality and Politics in Twentieth-Century Cuba (2001); Havana and the Atlantic in the Sixteenth Century (2011);  Queloides: Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art (2011)]   

Professor José Manuel Valenzuela Arce from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte will present a plenary session, titled "Necropolítica y jevenicidio en América Latina."