French Connexions: Nurturing Careers at WashU

This Francophone Career Day is an exceptional opportunity for undergraduate students studying French to connect with representative of leading French companies in Missouri, as well as American companies conducting business with France. Our professional speakers will highlight the importance of French language skills in various industries, including medicine, law, computing, bioengeniering, and education, enhancing students' future career prospects.


The event will feature a round-table discussions with representatives from major companies such as BioMérieux, IBM France, and other business leaders. Notably, students minoring or double majoring in French will have unique networking opportunities with our VIP during a business lunch and dinner.


Round-table Discussion: 

Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM 

Location: Somers Family Room, 249 

Language: The round-table will be conducted entirely in French. 

This session will focus on the added value of French studies in various professional fields, offering insights from experts in medicine, law, and business.


Key Guests Include:

 Dr. Magalie Cadieux, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Washington University

Ian S. Hagemann, MD, PhD, Professor, Pathology & Immunology; Director, Gynecologic and Breast Pathology Fellowship 

Charles N. Insler, International Lawyer, Partner at HeplerBroom, St. Louis

Leila Sadat, James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law

Emmanuel Sabbagh, Senior Managing Consultant, IBM France.


Contact: Dr. Lionel Cuillé, Director of French Connexions at WashU,


Don’t miss this chance to discover how French studies can enhance your career!

This event is made possible by the Cultural Services of the French Consulate in Chicago.


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