Library Instruction and Information Sessions

Library instruction and information sessions are open to all Romance Language faculty and Graduate students.

Please join our subject librarian, Lino Mioni, September 6th for a guided tour of Olin library and an instructional session.

Please RSVP for one of the two sessions available:

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, at 11:00 am - 1:00pm am:

  1. For everybody;
  2. Meeting point: Help Desk at Olin Library;
  3. Schedule:
    1. Tour of Olin Library;
    2. Library instruction and information session (Olin Library Instructional Room #1).
  4. You are welcome to bring your laptop.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 5:00-7:00 pm:

  1. For those who have classes during the morning session;
  2. Meeting point: Help Desk at Olin Library;
  3. Schedule:
    1. Tour of Olin Library;
    2. Library instruction and information session (Olin Library Instructional Room #2).
  4. You are welcome to bring your laptop.