"The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Culture" : A Conversation with Lucy Swanson
The French Connexions is proud to sponsor Kwazman Vwa.
Our own Nathan Dize, assistant professor of Caribbean literature at Washington University in St. Louis, will exchange with
Lucy Swanson, assistant professor of French Studies at the University of Arizona, and author of The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Culture, published in 2023 with Liverpool University Press.
Lucy’s is the first book-length study of the figure of the zombie in Caribbean literatures of French expression.
Her insightful readings reveal striking distinctions between the Haitian zombie and its Martinican and Guadeloupean counterparts, and she coins four ‘avatars’ of the literary figure: the slave, the trauma victim, the horde, and the popular zombie.
The event will be held in English, via Zoom.
12:00 Central Time (Chicago)
Register at kwazmanvwa.com
Contact: Dr. Lionel Cuillé, Director of the French Connexion Center of Excellence at Washington University