2016-17 Graduate Student News


Francesca Dennstedt was awarded a Divided City Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship (summer 2017) through the Center for the Humanities at Washington University. Francesca also won the 2016 Eva Sichel Memorial Essay Prize, given in the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures.

Dorotea Lechkova received the Helen Fe Jones Award for Excellence in Teaching (Spring 2017).

Olivia Lott and Gabriella Martin were selected for a Center for the Humanities Writing Group Grant for Literary Translation, Washington University in St. Louis (2017-2018).

Gabriella Martin won the 2017 Eva Sichel Memorial Essay Prize, given in the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures.

Silvia Juliana Rocha DallosHonorable Mention. Premio Internacional de Historia Intelectual de América Latina, 2nd Edition, 2016 (Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico-Sociales, Universidad Veracruzana) for her article: “OIGA EL PÚBLICO VERDADES: los panfletos de Fernández de Lizardi (1820-1827).”

José Patricio Sullivan was awarded a Divided City Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship (summer 2017) through the Center for the Humanities at Washington University.

Pablo Zavala won a Latin American Studies Association Student Grant, International Congress in Lima, Perú (2017).

Other News & Activities

Shirley Anghel is presenting the paper “A Troubling Harmony: Race and Novelistic Form in Cervantes’ ‘The Captive's Tale’” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017).

Dorotea Lechkova organized the panel “Culture, Resistance, and Revolution: Latin America and the Eastern Bloc” for the 2017 American Comparative Literature Association Conference.

Olivia Lott presented “Colombia global(izada): Nuevas tendencias de la poesía colombiana actual” at the XX Congreso de la Asociación de Colombianistas: Colombias Globales (August 2017). This academic year her conference activities include presenting “Su voz poética/Her Poetic Voice: Women Translating Women in Spanish-Language Poetry” at the American Literary Translators Association: Reflections/Refractions (October 2017); and “(Versión de los acontecimientos): La contra-cartografía feminista en la poesía de María Mercedes Carranza” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017). With Gabriella Martin she also organized the panel “Literary Translation as (Re-)Mapping: Translating Contemporary Latin American and Iberian Writing” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017).

Gabriella Martin recently shared her translations of Catalan writer Pere Caldersis at the Biennial Graduate Student Translation Conference at the University of Texas-Dallas (May 2017) and is presenting “The Mad, the Bad, the Dreamy: Translating Literary Rouges and Eccentrics” at the American Literary Translators Association Annual Conference in (October 2017). With Olivia Lott she also organized the panel “Literary Translation as (Re-)Mapping: Translating Contemporary Latin American and Iberian Writing” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017).

Jonatán Martín Gómez presented “Narrar Google para narrar la memoria: desplazamiento, identidad y remediación textovisual en Crónica de viaje de Jorge Carrión” at the XVIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Española Contemporánea (CILEC, June 2017). He also presented two papers at the IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Salamanca in July 2017: “Balance de la literatura postMcOndo en la era de la glocalización: nuevas estrategias narrativas y políticas de mercado en Alberto Fuguet”; and “La reescritura de la identidad y el cuerpo: estrategias de resistencia de la postmemoria en Los Topos de Félix Bruzzone.”

Lauris McQuoid-Greason will present “Subversive Bodily Ethics in Lina Meruane’s Fruta podrida (2007) and Sangre en el ojo (2012)” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017). She recently participated in the Mellon Dissertation Seminar: “Enlightenment Bodies and Texts: From Word and Image to Flesh and Bones” (Washington Universtiy in St. Louis, Summer 2017). And in August 2017 she traveled to the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) where she met with students and talked about her experience in our PhD program. See the Newsletter from the Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Emma Merrigan recently took part in the Mellon Dissertation Seminar: “Enlightenment Bodies and Texts: From Word and Image to Flesh and Bones” (Washington Universtiy in St. Louis, Summer 2017). She also presented two papers during the past academic year: “Reading the Corporal Text: Heteroglossia in Mayra Santos-Febres’ Fe en disfraz and Nancy Morejón’s ‘Amo a mi amo,’” at the Mid-American Conference on Hispanic Literatures (November 2016); and “Performing Queer(ed), Pathologized Masculinities in Junot Díaz’s Drown and This Is How You Lose Her,” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (April 2017).

Soledad Mocchi Radichi presented “Vicente Peñaloza, ‘el Chacho’: construyendo al héroe o al bárbaro” at the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference (KFLC) at the University of Kentucky (April 2017) and a paper titled “El gigante Amapolas de Juan Bautista Alberdi: de Rosas a Videla” at the Second Symposium of the Latin American Studies Association Southern Cone Studies section in Montevideo (July 2017).

Kyeongeun Park presented “Docking with the New Cyborg Corporeality, Bernardo Feránadez’s Gel Azul” at the Latin American Studies Association Congress (April-May 2017) and “Floating (Dis)embodied Subjectivities in the Network” at the 2017 Science Fiction Research Association Annual Conference. At the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017) she is presenting “Punishing the Embodied Trauma in Polícia del Karma.”

Silvia Juliana Rocha Dallos presented “Theo-rhetoric of disease: appealing to Saints from the head to the toe in Colonial Mexico (17th and 18th century)” at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and will be presenting “Los límites del ‘coming out’: la (dis)capacidad (in)visible del sidario en Salón de Belleza de Mario Bellatín” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (October 2017). She will also be chair of the panel Imperial scars: new approaches about corporality, race and power in colonial Latin America at the 2018 MLA meeting in New York, where she will present: “Counter-Scarring Inquisitorial Power: Sexual Offenses and Pacts with the Devil from Mulattos in New Spain.”

Angela Rodríguez Moreno presented two papers recently: “Vive Colombia, no viajes por ella,” at the Latin American Studies Congress (May 2016); and “Desgarro (de las clases populares) y júbilo (del establishment): el funeral de Pablo Escobar como espectáculo melodramático” at the Charles Fraker Graduate Conference at the University of Michigan. She will also be presenting “Decencia, Exclusión y Fronteras visibles: Dinámicas Geopolíticas de Bogotá en Los hijos de la fiesta (2016) y Gente de bien (2014)” at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies (October 2017). Angela participated in the Mellon Dissertation Seminar: “Enlightenment Bodies and Texts: From Word and Image to Flesh and Bones” (Washington Universtiy in St. Louis, Summer 2017).

Santiago Rozo presented the paper “Entre el mercado y el narcobarroco: consumo y placer en Ornamento de Juan Cardenas” at the Asociación de Colombianistas conference (August 2017) and has organized the panel “Neoliberal Enjoyment: Mapping Latin American Pleasure” at the 2017 Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures at Washington University.

Jose Salinas Valdivia presented “Lo propio americano. Lo andino en la Revista Americana de Buenos Aires (1929-1939)” at the Interdisciplinary Conference Thinking Andean Studies (University of Pennsylvania, February 2017) and “Traducciones fiebres y revoluciones. La experiencia literaria del Grupo Narración en China” at the 8th Congreso Internacional de Peruanistas en el Extranjero (University of Ottawa, March 2017). At the 2017 Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures at Washington University he will present “‘Quena, charango y bombo'. Folklore y colaboraciones musicales entre los Andes y Argentina.”

Carmen Toro presented “The Inquisition in Democratic Spain: History, Fiction, and Myth in El hereje by Miguel Delibes” at the 2017 American Comparative Literature Association Conference. For the 2017 Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures she organized the panel “Niños en las culturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas” and is presenting a paper titled “El mundo inquieto de Celia: de la década de 1920 a la de 1950.”

Pablo Zavala has recently been invited to collaborate in a binational project between UC-Mexus and Conacyt that will likely result in a book on press cultures in Mexico, 1890-1930, for which he will write about the construction of the concept “the people” in the Mexican newspaper El Universal Ilustrado (1917-1925). He recently wrote a blog post titled "'Ingobernable’: All Past Roads Lead to the Future" for the film and media studies blog Mediático. He will be presenting “Avant-Garde Imagery: Estridentismo and Visual Culture in Post-Revolutionary Mexico” at the 2017 Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures (MACHL) at Washington University.

Publications & Dissertations


Francesca Dennstedt. “Una feminazi, una teibolera y una lesbiana: acercamientos al feminismo en la literatura mexicana actual.” In Romper con la palabra. Violencia y género en las escritoras mexicanas contemporáneas, ed. Adriana Pacheco Roldán. México: Ediciones y gráficos Eón, 2017.

Olivia LottTranslations
Estrada, Lucía. “Sylvia Plath”. Latin American Literature Today. Forthcoming Fall 2017.

Charry Noriega, Camila. “Three Poems by Camila Charry Noriega”. Latin American Literature

            Today, Vol. 3, July 2017. http://www.latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/en/2017/july/three-poems-camila-charry-noriega

Charry Noriega, Camila. “For being alive”, “Calvary” and “The Ring”.  Tupelo Quarterly, Vol.

            12, June 2017. http://www.tupeloquarterly.com/tag/camila-charry-noriega/

Cote Botero, Andrea. “Broken Harbor”. Legado de generaciones: Antología poética.  Flor de

           Cana [Honduras], March 2017.

“Unbound: New Colombian Poetry” and “Patria/Homeland: New Voices in Colombian Poetry”.

            Introduction and Translation Feature. Mantis, vol. 15, February 2017, pp. 159-196.

Jonatán Martín Gómez. “El escritor que se tomó en serio las series: trasmedialidad, transficcionalidad, simulacro y memoria en Los muertos de Jorge Carrión.” In Entornos digitales: conceptualización y praxis, eds. Beatriz Trigo and Mary Ann Dellinger. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2017.

---. “La expansión del texto: caminos de ida y vuelta entre la pantalla y la página. Transmedialidad e hipertextualidad en la obra de Alberto Fuguet.” In Territorios del presente: globalización, tecnología y mímesis en las narrativas hispánicas, eds. Jesús Montoya Juárez and Natalia Morales. Peter Lang, 2017. 

Silvia Juliana Rocha Dallos. “Intervenciones contaminantes y profilaxis cinemática en la vecindad de Pepe El Toro: la trilogía de Ismael Rodríguez (1948-1953).” Latin American Literary Review. Forthcoming.

---. “Las convulsiones del Orden colonial: enfermedad, memorias cientificistas y formas locales de curar.” In Dimensiones de Latinoamericanismo, ed. Mabel Moraña. Forthcoming.

---.“OIGA EL PÚBLICO VERDADES: los panfletos de Fernández de Lizardi (1820-1827).” Revista Ulúa. Revista de Historia, Sociedad y Cultura. 47 (2016): 235-57.

Pablo Zavala. “La producción antifeminicidista mexicana: autoría, representación y feminismo en la frontera juarense,” Chasqui 45.2 (2016).



Britta Linn Anderson. “Borders Beyond Borders: Women's Mobility in the U.S. and Mexico.”

Stacy Lynn Davis. “‘Hacer las Américas’ es hacer el hombre : (re)constructing Spanish masculinities in the indianos of Benito Pérez Galdós and Emilia Pardo Bazán.”

José Licón Oppenheimer. “Hablantes líricos y personajes marginales en la poesía de cancionero del siglo xv: estrategias para reclamar, justificar o mantener estatus en la convulsa sociedad hispánica bajomedieval.”

Alexander Sotelo Eastman. “Binding Freedom: Cuba's Black Public Sphere, 1868-1912.”


Irene Domingo. “Contra la censura: exilios contradictorios, respuestas culturales y revisiones históricas del ‘tardofranquismo.’”


María Alejandra Aguilar. “Herederos de la libertad: criminalización, liderazgo y escritura de afro-descendientes en Colombia, Brasil y Cuba.”

Lídice Alemán. “La Representación de Raza y Género en la Poesía de las Poetas Negras y Mulatas Cubanas (1960s-1980s).”

Megan Havard. “Representations of Elite Masculinity in Medieval Castilian Narrative.”

Lauren Taranu. “Exploring Strange, New Worlds: Travellers and Foreigners in Medieval Iberian Literature.”


Sara Potter. “Disturbing Muses: Gender, Technology and Resistance in Mexican Avant-Garde Cultures.”


Boncho Dragiyski. “Las Representaciones Literarias de Cuatro Pecados en Algunas Obras Ibéricas de la Edad Media.”