Grammar and Vocabulary Acquisition


This course examines theoretical and instructional implications of research on grammar and vocabulary acquisition. Topics include making form-meaning connections during language learning; developmental stages; the role of input and input processing; explicit and implicit methods of grammar instruction; pertinent factors in vocabulary acquisition, such a learning context and processing resource allocation; and comparisons of incidental and direct vocabulary instruction techniques. Major theories of language acquisition (e.g., nativism, emergentism) are critically examined in light of the research presented, and research findings are applied to instructional practices.The Section A 6:00-7:00 PM is a preceptorial for undergraduates.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU BA; AS LCD

Section A

Grammar and Vocabulary Acquisition - A
View Course Listing - FL2023

Section 01

Grammar and Vocabulary Acquisition - 01
View Course Listing - FL2023