Linguistics and Language Learning


This course, taught in English, is a foundation for students who will work with linguistically and culturally diverse people in the USA and around the world, whether this work is in the courtroom, hospital, classroom, office and more. The class will help prepare students for the diverse range of twenty-first century occupations that have language and linguistics at their center, including machine learning and translation studies. The class utilizes a survey format and covers both internal and external factors related to language acquisition and language use, such as language and the brain, language aptitude, age, gender, memory, prior knowledge, etc. Theoretical and research dimensions of both linguistics and foreign / second language learning are treated. Corresponding implications of the readings focus on action- on making decisions for language policies and debates around the world that are informed by linguistic and language knowledge. The course is required for the minor in applied linguistics, the PhD in Applied Linguistics, and the graduate certificate in language instruction. This course carries the Social and Behavioral Sciences attribute and can be taken for different majors such as Global Studies and Educational Studies. Prereq: Ling 170 is recommended but not required.
Course Attributes: EN S; BU Eth; BU BA; AS SSC

Section 01

Linguistics and Language Learning
INSTRUCTOR: Brantmeier
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - SP2025