Researching Cultures: Cultural Revolutions in Central America


Central American region has been invisible and stigmatized as the most violent and unequal of the continent. Nevertheless, these seven countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá and Belice) have a complicated history of creativity and cultural struggles related to indigenous people, national identity, revolution, Cold War, postwar and peace times, and transnational migration. This course will explore some of these topics through the lenses of cultural revolutions in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, in the context of the Cold War. Attention will be given to the articulation of culture and politics. We will study a wide range of media products and performances, such as rock songs, painting, folkloric music, radio streaming, street theater, testimony genre, literature, and film. In addition, we will discuss the engagement of writers and public intellectuals such as Ernesto Cardenal, Daysi Zamora, Roque Dalton, and Gioconda Belli to the revolutionary process in Latin America and the interplay between political mass mobilization and radical resistance. This course fulfills the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement for Arts and Sciences students. Prereq. Spanish 303 or 308E, and one (or preferably two) of the following: 341, 342, 343, 370, 380 or Debating Cultures. Students who have taken more than four Spanish culture or literature classes are not allowed in this course and must proceed to a Major Seminar. In Spanish.
Course Attributes: BU BA; BU IS; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; AS WI I; FA HUM; AR HUM; AS SC; EN H

Section 01

Researching Cultures: Cultural Revolutions in Central America
INSTRUCTOR: Zavaleta Lemus
View Course Listing - SP2022