This workshop will begin with a survey of recent theoretical developments in literary translation theory that take into account key topics such as interpretation, voice, creativity, and ethics while also investigating the intersection of literary translation theory with questions of race, sexuality and gender. Secondly, we will take an in depth look at careers in literary translation in both the Anglophone and Hispanophone worlds and also, more briefly, examine those in translation and language services more broadly. Thirdly, students will embark on a translation project of an untranslated work and will present and revise successive drafts while engaging in thoughtful critique of fellow workshop participants' projects. Students will plan to submit this translation or a selection from it for publication. Finally, students will also aim to build a portfolio that could include - but not be limited to - a translation submitted for publication, a grant application for a literary translation program or a conference presentation as well as a web presence (recommended for literary translators) and a review of a translation. Class will be conducted in English, with readings in English and Spanish. Students may choose to translate from Spanish into English or English into Spanish. Counts as elective credit toward the Comparative Literature Translation Studies Graduate Certificate. Graduate standing required.
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