Topics I: In Perspective


City of Lights, City of Love, city of countless inviting images, Paris captivates us in literature, film, art, architecture, and photography. We will consider why Paris features so prominently as a backdrop for contemporary stories of love, gastronomy, fashion, and intrigue. Looking beyond stereotypes, we will consider the beauty and historic impact of Paris in relation to other cultural capitals: Versailles and Amsterdam in the 17th century; Rome and Saigon in modern times. We will explore how, since the 19th century, Paris rivals New York as a center of influence, even as both cities struggle with the challenges of social exclusion, gentrification, immigration, and the environment. Our study of Paris will bring together magnificent palaces; fashion and design; engineering marvels (the Pont Neuf; the Eiffel Tower) and urban renewal; cityscapes by impressionist painters and celebrated photographers. Based on short readings, films, and an image archive. Some Paris/NY works assigned in English; class discussion in French. Prereq: 307D. Priority given to students who have not yet taken an In-Perspective course. This course satisfies the prerequisite for study abroad and upper 300-level courses.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Eth; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

Topics I: In Perspective
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