
Celebrating outstanding faculty and staff 2022

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At a ceremony and reception held Sept. 21 in Holmes Lounge, members of the Arts & Sciences community gathered to recognize recipients of the annual faculty and staff awards. Each award-winner has demonstrated exceptional service to the university through service, leadership, or teaching. Congratulations to all the awardees, including our own Miguel Valerio.

The sovereignty of joy

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In a new book, Miguel Valerio uncovers the history of Afro-Mexican festival performances in colonial Mexico.

Celebrating outstanding faculty and staff

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Faculty Employment Opportunity: Assistant Professor of French.

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Washington University in St. Louis, Romance Languages and Literatures Department is hiring for an Assistant Professor of French.

Awardees for graduate teaching excellence announced

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Eight Arts & Sciences graduate students were honored for their achievements in undergraduate teaching and instruction.

Published article by Yamile Ferreira, a Ph.D. candidate in our Hispanic Studies program

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Yamile Ferreira, a Ph.D. candidate in our Hispanic Studies program publishes an article in the journal Páginas. Revista Digital de la Escuela de Historia

Our Trip to the Neighboring Village of Sainte Genevieve: A Historical Lesson in Sustainability

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A group of WashU students and professors E. Allen and L. Cuillé (RLL/French) paid a visit to the historical town of Sainte Genevieve, MO, for a day filled with guided tours and interactive lessons on French colonial foodways, architecture, and lifestyles.

Hispanic Studies Graduate Student, Juan Manuel Ramírez Velázquez, Attends National Humanities Center Virtual Residency

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Four graduate students in humanities departments at WashU attend the National Humanities Center’s Meaningful Teaching and Learning in the Humanities Classroom. During the week, WashU grad students engaged in team-based learning with graduate students from peer institutions to create instructional materials and to learn from a wide range of faculty and pedagogy-specialists from across the United States.

CRE2 Graduate Fellows Program includes Hispanic Studies Graduate Student, Jeanne Rosine Abomo Edou

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The Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity is happy to announce our 2022 cohort of Graduate Fellows, which includes Jeanne Rosine Abomo Edou, RLL Graduate Student in Hispanic studies and Comparative Literature.

Williamson to study families affected by Zika

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Eliza Williamson, an anthropologist and a lecturer in Latin American studies and in Romance languages and literatures, both in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, was awarded a postdoctoral fieldwork grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for longitudinal ethnographic research with families raising children diagnosed with congenital Zika syndrome in Bahia, Brazil.

CRE2 announces new faculty fellowships

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The Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity (CRE2) at Washington University in St. Louis has announced six recipients of the 2023 CRE2 Faculty Fellowships, including Javier García-Liendo, associate professor of Spanish in Arts & Sciences, who will develop “The Children of Indigenismo: Schoolteachers and the Making of Popular Modernity in Peru, 1939-1967" and Akiko Tsuchiya, professor of Spanish and affiliate professor of women, gender and sexuality studies, both in Arts & Sciences, who will develop “The Politics of Public Memory: Racist and Colonial Monuments in Modern Spain.”

Center for the Humanities names graduate students fellows

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The Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis recently awarded six Graduate Student Fellowships for the 2022-23 academic year.