Statement on Diversity, Antiracism and Equity
The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Washington University condemns racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination. We teach and research the cultures of countries with histories of white supremacy and its attending patriarchalism and colonialism, both as perpetrators and victims. Our fields have historically neglected non-white and non-normative cultural productions and producers. We commit ourselves therefore to tell the fuller stories of the cultures our department represents. At the same time, the cultures we represent offer varied perspectives on race, gender, sexuality, and other expressions of diversity, and activists and intellectuals from these geographies have developed myriad strategies and approaches to combating racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. We are also therefore poised to tackle these issues from transnational, transdisciplinary, and intersectional methodologies.
We also commit ourselves to:
1. Developing and sustaining diversity in our makeup, research, and teaching
2. Sponsoring platforms for discussion on race and equity
3. Strengthening the intersectionality of race, gender, sexuality, and other expressions of diversity by seeking to decolonize the way we teach and conduct research
4. Supporting faculty and students of color and other minority groups through mentorship, scholarship, advocacy, and other forms of support
5. Creating inclusive spaces for dialogue in our department and classrooms
6. Working with the university to develop resources that support faculty, students, and staff of color and other under-represented and marginalized groups