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Romance Languages & Literatures Honors 2024

Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures announces first round of funded projects

Prof. Ignacio Infante is one of the Arts & Sciences fall 2022 SPEED grant winners

RLL Graduate Students Summer Fellowships with The Divided City

RLL Graduate Students Summer Fellowships with The Divided City

Professor Acree serving as faculty marshal in Spring 2021 graduate school commencement

Hostile Terrain 94 in review

Assistant Professor Miguel Valerio selected as 2021 Career Enhancement Fellows at The Institute for Citizens & Scholars

Hispanic Studies PhD Candidate Olivia Lotts Earns the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship at Kenyon College

Francophone Week Meme Contest Winners

Professor Michael Sherberg publishes The Decameron Fourth Day in Perspective

Graduate Fellow Olivia Lott lauded with PEN translation honor

Professor Tili Boon Cuillé publishes Divining Nature: Aesthetics of Enchantment in Enlightenment France

Prof. Ignacio Infante Receives Emerson's 2020 Excellence in Teaching Award

Professor Rebecca Messbarger wins the Rome Prize Fellowship in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Publication of Mabel Moraña's Philosophy and Criticism in Latin America: From Mariátegui to Sloterdijk

Professor William Acree wins LASA 2020 Best Book Award

Professor Rebecca Messbarger Interviewed by CNN: Here's how Italians 'quaranteamed' 700 years ago

RLL Alumnus Gonzalo Aguiar earns prestigious NEH fellowship

Professor Ignacio Infante Publishes a Translation of Vicente Huidobro's Temblor del cielo

A War With Words: How Spain’s Women Lobbied Against Slavery in Cuba

Professor Harriet Stone publishes new book, Crowning Glories: Netherlandish Realism and the French Imagination during the Reign of Louis XIV

Prof. Sánchez Prado Installed as Jarvis Thurston & Mona Van Duyn Professor in the Humanities

Publication of Staging Frontiers by Professor William Acree.

New book from Almenara Press co-edited by Professor Elzbieta Sklodowska

Professor Rebecca Messbarger’s The Lady Anatomist Goes International!

Faculty publication: Unsettling Colonialism: Gender and Race in the Nineteenth-Century Global Hispanic World, by Akiko Tsuchiya

Sigma Delta Pi inducts five new members

Olin Acquires a Valuable Resource for French Studies

Billy Acree receives the GSS Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award

Senior Lecturer Promotions (French, Italian, and Spanish)

Congratulations to Javier García-Liendo

Two RLL Graduate Students Instrumental in Forming Advocacy Group

Publication of Representing Mental Illness in Late Medieval France. Machines, Madness, Metaphor, by Professor Julie Singer